A H Butz Downtown Allentown
Allentown, Pennsylvania

FAA NFDC Information Effective 56-day cycle 05/16/2024 - 7/11/2024

Ops Comms Services Owner Runways IFR Procs Current NOTAMs Remarks


FAA Identifier:24PN
Lat/Lng:40.6010555556, -75.4750833333
40-36-03.8000N, 075-28-30.3000W
Estimated by Owner on 11/14/2006
Elevation:456 feet Estimated by Owner on 11/14/2006
Magnetic Variation: [-12W (2024)]
Sectional:NEW YORK
From City: in Allentown


Ownership:Privately owned
Attended:All year Every day 0800-1700 (local)
Control Tower:no
ARTCC:New York(ZNY)New York Center
FSS:Williamsport FSS(IPT)
Wind Indicator:Lighted
Lights:for Perimeter and Flood Lights Call 610-395-6871.
Landing Fee:no



Based Aircraft


Annual Operations



Owner:a. H. Butz Inc
840 Hamilton St Suite 600
Allentown, Pa 18101
Manager:Anne Episcopo
840 Hamilton St Suite 600
Allentown, Pa 18101



Runway H1

Length:45 feet
by Owner on 11/14/2006
Width:45 feet
Surface:Porland Cement Concrete
Surface Treatment:NONE
Runway Lights Edge Intensity:Perimeter
and Flood Lights.
Remarks:Elevated Helideck.



Additional Remarks

Max Rotor Diameter is 45 ft.
Max Gross Weight is 15,000 Lbs.
Written Pmsn Reqd Prior to Using the Helipad.
Emergency Service Hel Contact Mgr 610-396-6871 for Details.
Use Prim Approach/Departure Path of 040/220 Degs for Noise Abatement and Good Community Relations. If There is An Issue of Safety or Critical Mission Need, Approach/Departure Path 230/050 Also Available.
the Perimeter Safety Fence and Lights are Slightly Higher than the Pad; Exercise Care During Manuvering to, from and on the Pad.
for Cd Contact Allentown Approach at 800-728-6322.

This information is current as of the date at the top of the page. These pages are valid for all US airports, based on information from FAA National Flight Data Center. Weather information is provided based on AvnWx Data Sources. NOTAM information is from FAA's NAIMES data portal.

As with most information on this website, this page is generated based on FAA data, with automatic translations done via computer. You can also directly read the A/FD via the green icon link at the top of the page, which is the FAA text, and sometimes provides a different translation of codes. Please email me (using link at top-right of this page) if you see information which is confusing, misleading, or wrong....Or have suggestions for additions/changes.

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